Wednesday Jun 08, 2022
Perianne Boring –Founder, Chamber of Digital Commerce – Ep026
Wednesday Jun 08, 2022
Wednesday Jun 08, 2022
As our long term listeners are aware, CopperCasts are split into two parts; a short (2min) video in which our guest shares with us something they find unusual or inspiring about the digital asset space, followed by a traditional audio-only podcast, which you can search for in all the usual places.
In her conversation with Tyler, Perianne explains that coming from a small town in Florida, the ripple effect of the housing crisis in 2008 was severe in her town. So when shortly afterwards a friend introduced her to bitcoin, she was immediately attracted by the asset's monetary properties. In 2014, Perianne founded the first national trade association for the industry, working to help policymakers in DC make sense of blockchain technology and what it can do for the country.
In her Show & Tell, Perianne provides an overview of the regulatory landscape for digital assets in the United States, explaining that although there are a panoply of regulators overseeing the crypto space, the industry is lacking a coordinated approach to regulation.
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